
With great joy we were able to accept Daniela into the novitiate on 5th December 2020.

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At the gate of the mother house there is a new offer.

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Last year, the television prize "Bambi" was presented to the participating children and young people of the 72-hour campaign. Now there were small Bambi badges for everyone.

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Sr Beatriz reports on the situation in Peru. Corona hits this poor country especially hard.


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Church websites get more clicks than ever before during this time: As is well known, no church services are held during the Corona pandemic. However, fellow Christians for whom it is important are now increasingly…

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Sister Ruth enjoys remarkable mental vitality and celebrated her 90th birthday on Sunday, 08.03.2020, in the Motherhouse Vierzehnheiligen.

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"If it does you good, then come!"


(St. Francis of Assisi)