An impressive moment

800 years ago, in 1224, St Francis was going through a crisis. A particularly impressive moment on La Verna showed him a way out. An impulse for the 800th anniversary.

News from the Congregación

In an open chapter (online), the capitulars presented important topics and events of the two-week chapter time to their co-sisters. 

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After a week full of work and concentration with reports on the past term of office, the financial situation and the international guidelines for a formation concept, the new General Team of the St. Francis Sisters of…

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The 17th General Chapter of the Sisters of St Francis in the Motherhouse Vierzehnheiligen began with three days of meditation held by Fr Clemens Wagner. 

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An Advent weekend to mark the 800-year history of the nativity scene in Greccio by St Francis of Assisi under the heading "God becomes man - in me too" brought creative minds to the Motherhouse in Vierzehnheiligen.

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A high standard, a joyful celebration. On Saturday, 18.03.2023, we were able to witness Sr Subashini and Sr Cecilia consecrating their lives to Christ in their First Profession.

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Here you can read the Christmas letters from Peru, India and Croatia.

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In the first hours of the new year, Sr Ruperta completed her earthly life. An obituary for a nurse with body and soul.

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On the day before Christmas Eve, Marcus Schober brought the Light of Peace from Bethlehem to the Motherhouse in Vierzehnheiligen.

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"Lord, I thank you that you know me and still love me" is an experience that carries and accompanies Sr Jona Marie. On Saturday, 17 December 2022, she made her First Profession during a Eucharistic celebration.

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Big and small were happy when visiting our bazaar - about the encounters, the products and also the first snow.

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"If it does you good, then come!"


(St. Francis of Assisi)